Use "oligarchy|oligarchies" in a sentence

1. Aristocracy is different from oligarchy

2. Eventually oligarchy took over from democracy.

3. 17 Eventually oligarchy took over from democracy.

4. Aristocracy, oligarchy, and plutocracy are sometimes confused

5. And he has often fallen foul of the Argentinian oligarchy.

6. The country is ruled by an oligarchy called the'fifteen families '.

7. The corrupt types include tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy.

8. But the landed oligarchy had stunted the country's democratic development for generations.

9. All past oligarchies have fallen from power either because they ossified or because they grew soft.

10. The financial oligarchy is the real ruler of capitalist monopolies.

11. The result could be a China that falls into a stagnant oligarchy like that of Russia.

12. The big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen.

13. How far did the Meiji constitution confirm the powers of the Meiji oligarchy?

14. Insecure and fearful of its own people, the oligarchy preserves itself through tyranny.

15. But plenty of thoughtful people ( many of them in the Lords ) are holding out for oligarchy.

16. What is the difference between democracy and oligarchy? What are the different types of each?

17. It was rather a kind of oligarchy, with a strong hereditary element in its composition.

18. Whenever oligarchy took over from democracy, pay for office was one of the first things to be abolished.

19. While Acknowledging the realities of political pressure, however, the oligarchy was determined to keep control

20. In Britain the big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen.

21. However, because of the opposition of a still-powerful landed oligarchy, the effects of the legislation were diluted.

22. The struggle is probably better understood as one between a dominant oligarchy and those whom they excluded from power.

23. But the municipal oligarchy was too weak to pursue its course for long, and eventually came to terms with the state.

24. On paper, we're a one-person-one-vote nation; in reality, we're more than a bit of an oligarchy, in which a handful of wealthy people dominate.

25. I thought the US system is slowly drifting from a gov't regulated capitalism to wealthy elites regulated government, or a oligarchy, as they call it.

26. ' Burying the dictator in the Libingan ng mga Bayani buries justice by justifying the shameless corruption of the dictator, his family, and the oligarchy of cronies he created

27. However, this beautiful part of the world has been Balkanised by imperialism and its local oligarchies of feudal landlords and bourgeois upstarts, backed by the church establishment, have bled the land and its people for their own selfish interests and gain.

28. Atticism, followed by the forcible imposition of an oligarchy upon the rest of the city, having made them suspicious of one another; and they therefore thought neither themselves not the mercenaries under Pedaritus a match for the enemy.